25/100: The Vanishing Stair

Amazon.com: The Vanishing Stair (Truly Devious) (9780062422446 ...I sped through the last 20% this morning because I literally could not stop reading, it was that wild of a ride.

The Vanishing Stair got off a little slower than it's predecessor Truly Devious did, but I'm willing to look past it for the rest of the heart-pounding pages. I literally got to the last page, turned it expecting to get another chapter, and all I got were the "acknowledgments." I looked at the page, flipped back to make sure I hadn't skipped anything, whispered "no," yelled "are you kidding me," and flung my kindle onto the couch... my family can attest to this.

But seriously though... what did I just read?
Mysteries were solved, new ones arose, David went crazy... so many things happened!

This is another case of my kindle riding in on a white horse and saving the day; if I hadn't been able to rent this as an ebook, I would have waited for weeks in utter misery until our library opened up again. The magic of technology!

I am looking forward to reading the next and final book and seeing how this all plays out. Do you ever get nervous going into a series finale because you know there is SO MUCH to be resolved and you're worried it's just not gonna happen? Yeah, that's me right now!

On to another book to take away the pain and distract me from pining for the next book :)

Completed: Mar 29
Rating: 4 stars
Pages: 368


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