1/100: A Rule Against Murder

Image result for a rule against murderMy first book of the year is done and dusted.
My goal is to write some kind of review for every book I finish. The length and depth will be determined by each book; some reviews will be short and sweet, a few words to express my thoughts, while others I imagine will go into more detail. 
This one will be one of the more succinct ones. 

A Rule Against Murder by Louise Penny is the fourth book in the Inspector Gamache/Three Pines series. I think this was perhaps my favorite so far. The setting and rather large cast of characters reminded me of something Agatha Christie might write. Penny has a way of writing that always leaves you hungry for more; she never quite reveals everything, there is always some small detail that is left unresolved. While I find this more annoying than anything, because that's the kind of person I am, I think it also lends to the overall connection between each novel. 

My mom and I have been reading these novels around the same time as each other and I told her this evening once I finished that I think this will be my last Gamache novel. I will probably rescind that statement once she reads the next one and tells me how amazing it was. My reason is that there's an overarching storyline with Gamache that gives me all the angst and I just don't want to deal with that right now :) But like I said, I imagine at some point I will return to the world of Three Pines because my personality is such that I hate leaving things unfinished. 

Completed: January 3
Rating: Four stars
Pages: 322


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