8/100: Book, Line, and Sinker

Image result for book line and sinkerI managed to slide one more book into January! After The Brutal Telling, I needed a palate cleanser, so I went with Book, Line, and Sinker by Jenn McKinlay.

A little backstory: I checked out the first book in this series from my local library. My mom read it after me and we both enjoyed it so much, we wanted to continue on with the series. However, our library does not have all the books and also did not have the next one in the series. So, we did what any good readers do, and ordered them off Ebay. As books go, they were fairly cheap, mainly because they are in the small, mass-market paperback format.

So now we have almost the entire series. I don't think we have the newest one she put out, I'm pretty sure she published one in 2019. But we have enough to last us for awhile :)

I enjoy these because they are about a librarian living in a small town called Briar Creek in Connecticut. Someday I would love to travel to New England and experience the small, shore-side towns there. But for now, I can read about them!

These books are short and sweet. They are engaging without too much angst. The characters are endearing, the mysteries are exciting, and who can turn down a book about books... and libraries?

They do tend to lean towards the "cheeseball" side sometimes, and the writing is not prize-worthy, but I love them all the same. And sometimes you just need a cheesy, easy book in your reading diet. Plus, because it was short, I was able to power through it in a day and get to my goal of 8 books this month! Woohoo!

Completed: January 31
Rating: 3 stars
Pages: 274


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