3/100: Devil's Cub

While I did give this novel a rating of four stars on Goodreads, I'd say my overall opinion of this book might land more at three stars instead.
First of all, I loved the regency romance theme. I loved the whole "forced marriage" concept, and hate-to-love is one of my favorite romance tropes. I also really liked that it was a clean romance (it had to be, since it was written in 1930), but I did also feel like the romance was rushed a little. One moment Mary and Dominic were irritated with each other and wanted nothing to do with the other, and then it was LOVE! So I don't know how I feel about it... maybe I'm trying to compare it to romance novels of this generation.
Sophia and Juliana both annoyed me, but I suppose that means Heyer was doing her job in portraying these young women. Honestly I wanted to shake Mr. Comyn at one point and tell him to run the other way and not marry Juliana after all.
One reason why I have not read as many classics as I want to is because of the writing; I get so lost in the older words and phrases that I find it hard to actually enjoy and comprehend the story. I found myself confused in a few places in this novel, but for the most part, the writing was such that I could understand and enjoy.
I think I will read more from Georgette Heyer; I actually have one of her detective novels checked out from the library, so we'll see if I enjoy those as much as I enjoyed this romance.
Completed: January 10
Rating: Four stars
Pages: 288
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