5/100: A Clever Alliance

I don't have a whole lot to say about this one; it was a quick, easy, and clean read. I only gave it two stars, mainly because I found the romance less than convincing. I found it engaging and I wanted to keep reading more. I liked that there was an added element of intrigue and action and a villain you just want to hate. The dialogue and story-telling alone were just fine, and for that, I may have given it three or four stars, had it not been for the delivery of the romance.
In the end, the romance crossed that line for me between sweet and sickeningly sweet. I used to swoon over this kind of dialogue, but in this context and delivery, I found myself feeling the opposite. So I guess my quest for clean romance will continue. I do gravitate towards the "unbelievable", only-in-fiction kind of romance, but I feel like this book missed the mark for me.
I am excited to have completed my first Kindle read, however. I'm the kind of old-fashioned reader that has sworn off e-readers of any kind. For some reason, though, I decided I might like to have one and requested it for Christmas. It's the perfect portable size, and my parents even got me a purple case to cover it. I can't say the selection of books is spectacular, at least the free ones anyway. (This one was free because I had a month's subscription to Kindle Unlimited). I do have a few downloaded books that I am excited to try out on the Kindle, Little Women and Middlemarch, to be specific. And I am going to try out borrowing books from my library and reading them on the Kindle soon, too. All that to say, I am enjoying the Kindle more than I thought I would... but I still believe that physical copies of books will always be the best :)
Completed: January 14
Rating: Two stars
Pages: 238
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