7/100: The Brutal Telling

Image result for the brutal tellingIf you read my review for the last Inspector Gamache book, then you're probably thinking, "Rachel, you liar."
Yes I know, I said I was not going to read any more of these darned books. Well, if you need to know anything about my reading habits, it's this: I am 100% a mood reader. But also, the power of peers over our reading lives is a strong one, and in this case, my peer is my mother. She keeps reading these books and telling me I need to read them too, so inevitably I get sucked into "just one more." I'm never going to get any other reading done...

I don't have much to say about this one. Penny's writing is as beautiful and provoking as ever. Her books are just good mystery with some coziness and good food thrown in. I gave this one 5 stars. I'm not sure what it is about this specific book that made it 5 stars when the rest of them have been solid 4's for me. There was just something about this one; the plot was unique, the mystery especially mysterious, and I felt like I was a chain being constantly jerked just when I thought I had it figured out.

I have to read the next one because apparently, it ties into this one. So let this be a lesson to you: don't be like Rachel and swear you aren't going to read any more books in the series because that statement might come back to bite you in the tush.

Completed: January 30
Rating: 5 stars
Pages: 372


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