24/100: Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban: J.K. Rowling, Mary ...I feel like I should give some credit to this isolation-situation for giving me my reading mojo back. I haven't been able to read a book in two days for a long time... it feels so weird, but also so great because I used to go through books so much faster and now I'm finally getting back to that.

The Prisoner of Azkaban might be my favorite HP so far; the story moved so quickly and contained this hype that kept my heart pounding and pushed me to read just one more page! It was cool to compare the book to the movie and see what they changed and chose to not include. I'm in the group that insists the book is always better than the movie; this book, in particular, did something the movie was not able to do, and that was show the deep relationship between the characters.

This ended up being a five-star read for me, but I also didn't come away from it with any really strong thoughts or feelings. I'm enjoying the journey through the HP books for sure, but I think my sister will always hold these nearer and dearer to her heart than I will :)

As a side-note, she's pointed out to me a couple times that the movie version of Hermione is a softened version of book Hermione. I would have to agree, using this book as an example, there were numerous scenes where Hermione came off as a tattle-tale and know-it-all that were absent or glossed over in the movie. I wasn't annoyed with her, on the contrary actually, I identified with her. I was actually quite annoyed with Harry throughout this installment and saw Hermione's actions as (perhaps misguided) attempts to look out for Harry; she was showing her love for Harry, that she didn't care if he hated her as long as he was safe. Plus, I've been known to be a know-it-all bossypants as well, so homegirl gets a good mark in my book. (Also, the scene where the boggart scares Hermione into thinking she failed all her exams... same, girl, same...)

P.S. I looked ahead at the page counts for the next few books; let's just say it's a good thing that "I like big books and I cannot lie" because each of the next 4 books have total counts that average out to about 700 each... well, I got nothing better to do)

Completed: Mar 26
Rating: 5 stars
Pages: 435


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