March Wrap-Up + Thoughts
March has been crazy, scary, and confusing; let's be honest! The whole month has been fraught with uncertainty and I'm kinda glad it's over, but reading-wise, it ended up being a banner month for me. I felt like I was transported back when I was a homeschool kid with nothing better to do after finishing her lessons than to curl up on the couch and read for a few hours. On a tangent, my mom used to do this reading program with my sister and I during our summers. It kind of cracks me up now to think about it because in no way did my sister and I need any encouragement to read more than we already did, but I imagine it was a way to keep us focused on more academic things, and away from the T.V. all of the time, even when we were on break. The goal was to read at least a certain number of books between the months of June and August... I want to say it was 60 books but I honestly can't remember. We kept track much like I do right now... a running list of the title, autho...