
"that girl is strange but special"
I have loved this lyric for so many years, and is it any wonder when I like to view myself as the modern-day Belle... sans Parisian village and hairy beast :) so without further ado...

The Girl: Rachel, a twenty-something reader, teaching student, and cozy seeker. On a mission to read 100 books in the year 2020, while navigating library holds, Kindle ebooks, and ever-growing towers of books. 

I've always been a reader, but recently, I've noticed a decline in my reading habits. I choose to blame it on the distraction that social media and phones have become, so my hope in cutting those out of my life, I can begin to have a more fulfilling and healthy reading life again. As such, I can't include links for you to follow me anywhere else, but if you love Goodreads like I do, let's be friends!

Here you'll find a review for every book I read this year, as well as a running list of my books for every month and the whole year. I will also share various bits of information about things fellow readers might find interesting. 

If reading blogs are your thing, pull up a chair, make some tea, and stay awhile!

A Few of My Favorite Things...

Mango + McGee (my kitty babes)

anything purple
Friends/Parks and Rec
cozy blankets
strong Irish tea with milk+sugar
You've Got Mail
unicorns, sloths, and llamas
cowboy boots
true crime
funny socks


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