11/100: If

Image result for if amy carmichaelI have a bit of catching up to do so I will be posting several short reviews.

First up is If by Amy Carmichael. This little book was gifted to me by a dear friend and I finally got around to reading it. This friend was the same that recommended Georgette Heyer to me; I now trust all her suggestions implicitly :)

This small book is unassuming in its size but it packs a powerful punch. Included in these 94 pages are short poems about Calvary Love. All are based on Biblical and theological truth, worded in such a convicting and powerful way. Many of them I had to re-read quite a few times before moving on to truly let the words sink in.

I know that I will read this many more times because one cannot absorb all the truth in these pages with one pass through.

I will share one of the poems, perhaps one of the entries I find most convicting; most heart-stirring and causing of growth in me. I'm not kidding when I say this book stirred my heart in all the right place and encouraged me to draw nearer to the Father and His will for my life.
Image result for if amy carmichael
Completed: Feb 12
Rating: 5 stars
Pages: 94


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