The Little Things

 There is comfort in friendship. The Lord has led me to many different ones over the years, some discouraging, but many uplifting. I am so grateful for the friends He has blessed me with now. The ones I can pour my heart out to; the ones that listen with an attentive ear and speak with a quiet wisdom.

One of these friends, in particular, is my reading buddy. She is one that I have had many conversations with regarding books, from George Elliot to Jane Austen. I trust her book recommendations and have enjoyed many stories as her suggestion. She has a quiet and steadfast demeanor that is soothing and I am so blessed that she is in my life.

This particular season of life has been difficult, not just because of the current world climate. She showed up at my door today with a little care package and my soul felt comforted. It's funny the ways God comforts us; sometimes He does it directly through His peace and sometimes He does it through other people. In the bag were two books: something deep and something light. The something-deep was an Amy Carmichael book, and the something-light was a Mary Stewart book. Both of these authors I have discovered through her. There is something very special about being gifted books. Now that my reading mojo is slowing returning, I am looking forward to diving into these two, especially since reading material is scarce right now :)


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