29/100: Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore

I have owned this book for approximately 5 years and have only just now read it in its entirety. I would like to use this book to make the case that timing matters when it comes to reading. A novel you read 10 years ago and absolutely abhorred might shine in a different light were you to read it now. In the same way, a book you adored 10 years ago might not hold the same appeal to you now. We change and evolve; our tastes and interests take many paths, and while certain stories might hold sentimental value to us, the reading process will always change.

I can't tell you how many times over the years I have picked up Mr. Penumbra; each time, I get a little farther in the reading, but ultimately put it down out of boredom, disinterest, or simple ambivalence. This weekend, it finally clicked for me.
I felt myself in a mini-book slump. I had started Voyage of The Dawn Treader, but really wasn't in the mood to read it. I'm still 30% deep in Gone With The Wind, but again, my heart wasn't in it at that moment. None of my Kindle holds had come in; I wanted something to read, but nothing was fitting the bill. I even picked up Jane Eyre and read the first chapter, but quickly decided it was a quick and easy read I was looking for. Mr. Penumbra was sitting right there, and I finally... finally, managed to finish it.

Now, I'll be honest, my favorite book it was not. I imagine I will be donating my copy of it because I can't see myself re-reading it. However, I have a certain feeling of pride in the fact that I actually managed to stick with it and finish it, in a weekend no less!

Critically speaking, I found the content to be a bit over my head. I did not enjoy reading about coding and data, and felt that quite a few bits were very dry. I used to be a skim-reader when I was a kid; it's how I got through so many books. Over the past few years I have curbed that habit, simply because I began to realize I was missing things, but this book had me skimming! 
Sloan's writing style is breezy; it ended up being the book I was looking for in terms of being able to get through it quickly, but I trudged through portions.
I got through it mainly on the back of the excitement that came from the climax, however, the overall plot was lost on me. I was frequently confused about why the characters were trying to crack these codes, solve this puzzle, etc. I just think the Unbroken Spine society's main mission and beliefs could have been explained a little better.

Either way, another book on my list, more room on my shelf for more books, and a mini-book slump averted. Especially since one of my Kindle holds came in :)

Completed: Apr 13
Rating: 3 stars
Pages: 288


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