
Showing posts from July, 2020

June Wrap-Up + A Few Reviews

I'm catching up!  If you create a goal in Goodreads, they keep you updated on your progress. They'll tell you how many books you've read towards that goal, and how many books you are behind or ahead of schedule. I've been behind schedule for a few months now, but I'm catching back up :) All in all I read 6 books in June; not bad. My genres varied as expected: mostly mystery, with non-fiction, contemporary, and romance thrown in.  Cotillion by Georgette Heyer was my last read of the month. This was my second novel by her, and while it didn't end up being what I expected, I enjoyed it nonetheless. I was expecting a regency romance characteristic of Heyer. What I got instead was a humorous narrative of 1800's London, with a dash of romance. I'm looking forward to my next read by this author! The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie is written in the style of my favorite mysteries: a whodunnit. A review I read of this title claimed that you would never